Some good scores in final outing

January 3, 2025 BY
South East Golf Veterans

Billy Mullan and Gordie Fleming

Disregarding extreme weather forecasts, fifty-four South East Golf Veteran players arrived at Millicent.

The group’s policy is 38 degrees, but the forecast was for 37, so players were reminded to slip slop slap and carry water.

Play started early and thankfully around 11.30am, a change arrived making things more acceptable for play.

First Division winner was Billy Mullan, Beachport, with 39 from Gordie Fleming, Robe,38 and Alan Schultz Millicent 36.

Second Division was was won by VPres Rob ‘Tank’ Thompson of Millicent from president GlenTilley, Millicent, 38 counting out Beachport’s Brian Pennell also on 38.

NTP winners were Brian Penell, John Kamp, Geoff Cameron, and Dion Sippel.

The Ross Orchard winners were Peter Emetlis and Ken Clarke.

The Christmas break extends until January 13 at Port MacDonnell making up for their washout on December 9, followed by Mount Gambier on January 20, then Kingston on February 3.