Sporting legend immortalised in hometown

HONOURING A CHAMPION: Glenelg Shire Mayor Karen Stephens & Commonwealth Games javelin gold medallist Kathryn Mitchell unveil the statue at Island Park
Kathryn Mitchell has achieved about as much as there is to achieve in her chosen sport – and now the athlete who brought Casterton to the world has been immortalised in her home town.
A statue of Mitchell, honouring her outstanding athletics achievements, as well as her ambassadorship for her community and country, was unveiled at the entrance to the main oval at Island Park, Casterton’s sporting precinct, earlier this month.
Commissioned by Glenelg Shire Council, the statue – by another shire resident in Lyons-based Jon Dixon – depicts Mitchell as she launches her most famous throw, the one that brought her an Australian and Commonwealth games record (68.92m) and Commonwealth games gold medal at the Gold Coast in 2018.
Mitchell has competed in five Commonwealth Games, four World Championships and three Olympics during her remarkable career.
Fittingly the unveiling took place with the next generation of the town’s athletes, the Casterton Little Athletics Club playing its part as Mitchell held workshops where she began her road to fame.
Glenelg Shire Mayor Karen Stephens, who unveiled the statue with Mitchell, said that was typical of the humble athlete.
“The Casterton community is proud of Kathryn’s achievements but it’s her generosity and kindness and her willingness to give freely of her time to young aspiring athletics that sets her apart,” Cr Stephens said.
“Each time she comes home, the first question is ‘I need to spend some time with the young ones please’ and true to her word she ensures that she visits the schools or attends the Casterton Little Athletics training right back at Island Park where she began.”
And that sense of community was on show at the unveiling when Mitchell said ‘when you look at this monument, be not awed with ‘look at what she did’ rather, be proud of knowing ‘look at what we did’.