Time to play well

June 1, 2024 BY

Council’s Recreation Team will release more information on the ‘Play Your Way’ Glenelg project in the coming months.

Glenelg Shire Council is excited to have received a Play Well Participation Grant from the Australian Sports Commission.

The $12,858 grant will be used to deliver the ‘Play Your Way’ Glenelg project, which will provide an opportunity for about 300-350 students within grades 3-4 (aged between 8-10) across Portland, Narrawong, Bolwarra and Heywood to try different organised sports in a safe, welcoming, fun and inclusive environment.

‘Play Your Way’ will comprise of a one-day Come and Try event held during school hours later this year, offering about six organised sports.

This will help us increase participation by offering assistance to students to engage with the organised sports offered at the Come and Try event.

The grants are one of the first initiatives to be delivered from Play Well – Australia’s Sport Participation Strategy, which aims to ensure everyone has a place in sport.

The strategy is designed to change the way participation in sport is connected, delivered and supported across Australian communities.

Council’s Recreation Team will release more information on the ‘Play Your Way’ Glenelg project in the coming months.