Whelan & Barnes take the win in final 2-4-2 for the year

December 21, 2022 BY

Last week the numbers were down again with only 20 players taking part in the 2-4-2 game at Millicent Bowls Club.

Before going out to play the tournament director welcomed a player from Arrarat, Harold Brigg and also congratulated Carlene Godden and Judy Lowe for winning the Ladies Championship Pairs.

The winning team for the day went to Peter Varcoe and Garth Baker with a score of 35+15 and winning the $20.00 prize pool.

Second place and winning the $5.00 Bar Voucher went to Neil Whelan and Peter Bateman with a score of 33+16.

Other winning teams were, Terry Barnes, Derk Pietersma 32+2. John Eldridge, Eddie Hann 31+5 and John Buhlmann, Jim Campbell 30+5.

2-4-2 WINNERS: (Above) Peter Varcoe & Garth Baker

2-4-2 RUNNERS UP: (Below) Neil Whelan & Peter Bateman