Four legged friends spreading joy
RESIDENTS and clients of Grampians Health and Wellbeing units have welcomed therapy dogs Honey and Maple. The 4 Paws Therapy golden retrievers visit each week...
Garden to remember Vietnam veterans
THE Lal Lal community will gather this Sunday to celebrate the opening of a garden at ANZAC Memorial Park. The event, which will begin at...
Artwork to enliven Ballan Station
LOCAL artists are being invited to submit expressions of interest to have their work displayed at Ballan Station. The call-out is part of a collaboration...
Reminder to keep safe around trains
STATE Government staff are reminding Victorians to stay safe around train tracks and level crossings. Last week was Rail Safety Week which was centred around...
Catch up for coffee and make connections
MOORABOOL Shire officers are inviting local businesspeople to come together at a networking session. Business Coffee Connect will be held Tuesday 20 August from 9am...
Understanding dementia together
DEMENTIA Australia staff members will be in Bacchus Marsh later this month providing information on how to support someone living with dementia. The session at...
Support for grant applications
DISCUSS your community grants program application with a Moorabool Shire Council staff member next week. The drop-in sessions, held at Lerderderg Library, will be open...
Support for financial counselling services
A FURTHER fifteen million dollars in funding by the State Government is set to provide more support to financial counselling services. Not-for-profit community organisations can...
Castle to celebrate the Scottish
TAKE a trip to the Scottish Highlands next month at Kryal Castle. The Highland Spectacular is back for a second year with pipe bands, highland...
Enter a wizarding world at local libraries
WIZARDING fun will be on offer in Moorabool Shire this month with four weeks of magical fun. Magic Moorabool encourages children to get creative at...
Handmade horses to educate future generations
A MUCH-loved Ballan community member has been thanked for his contribution to Ilo Kendall Early Education Centre which is scheduled to open next month. Walter...
New citizens celebrated
MORE than seventy Moorabool Shire residents have been awarded Australian Citizenship at a ceremony held last Saturday. The citizenship ceremony took place at Ballan Mechanics...