Artist giving rubbish a new life

Recycling: Susan Watson creates animals out of objects people have thrown away. Photo: MIRIAM LITWIN
One of her first creations, made with her son, was a dragon created from old toys, before inspiration struck on a walk up Bald Hill.
“During COVID I would always walk up Bald Hill and see the eagles up there and I would also see dumped rubbish,” Watson said.
“Every time I went for a walk, I’d bring some of the rubbish home and wash it and think about what I could do from it.”
The eagle sculpture is now one of five Australian animals on display at Lerderderg Library, made from various recycled materials including cutlery, ice-cream tubs, beer cans, air-conditioning units and old Tupperware.
Watson researched each Australian animal to ensure the proportions and colours were accurate.

“I don’t see the point, when there’s so much [litter] available, to use something new,” she said.
“This stuff is perfectly great to use.”
Watson encouraged other creatives and children to try to create artwork out of rubbish.
“It’s a great activity for anyone who wants to be creative but also kids I think would have a really fun time,” she said.
The exhibition is on in the Moor Art Space until the end of the month.