Discussions for deep thinkers

June 14, 2024 BY

Guiding discussion: Andy Vaszolyi's love of philosophy began 25 years ago, and this year he's started up Philosophy in the Library. Photo: LACHLAN ELLIS

FOR those who like to ponder the deeper topics of life, the universe, and everything in between, a local lover of philosophy is offering the chance to speak your mind at monthly meetings.

Andy Vaszolyi began Philosophy in the Library sessions at Lerderderg Library in mid-April, and has been teaching philosophy for more than 10 years.

He said the sessions were less like lectures or lessons, and more like a group discussion, led by him.

“The first one we did just as part of the library’s school holiday program, which was themed around magic. Since then we’ve done one pretty much every Saturday, on whatever topic the members of the club select,” Mr Vaszolyi said.

“It’s been great in terms of the quality of discussion. I know everyone who comes along enjoys it. We get a varied turnout; the lowest we’ve gotten was three or four, and we’ve gotten up to 12 one weekend.

“Last time we had topics like whether nature or nurture is more important in making a person, what makes good and evil, and is the mind connected to the body.

“A lot of people have said to me they’re seeking understanding or truth. I think it’s probably about finding a sense of deeper meaning, and hearing other people’s thoughts about these really big questions.”

The next Philosophy in the Library session is being held tomorrow, Saturday 15 June from 10.30am to 12.30pm.

Sessions will also be held on 22 and 29 June, 13 and 27 July, 10 and 24 August, 14 and 28 September, and beyond.

For more information, visit the Moorabool Libraries Facebook page.