Expand your mind at local library

December 13, 2024 BY

Sleep thinker: Andy Vaszolyi said he started the Bacchus Marsh Philosophy Club after the idea came to him in a dream six years beforehand. Photo: SUPPLIED

A CHRISTMAS party at Lerderderg Library tomorrow morning promises to take minds to undiscovered places through the power of philosophical reflection.

The Bacchus Marsh Philosophy Club Christmas Break-up Party is open to newcomers and will explore the “playful and profound” theme, ‘is this a good question?’

Facilitator Andy Vaszolyi of Philosophy for Everybody said the party’s theme was chosen by club members and is the perfect kind of tongue-in-cheek question for the event, where everyone can all have a bit of fun.

“We always have a bit of fun, but this will be even more light-hearted,” he said.

Mr Vaszolyi said a typical Bacchus Marsh Philosophy Club session starts with a group discussion about the question or theme, followed by “a quick one-minute-each question and answer about (each participant’s) opinion.”

“Then we follow a general outline of defining key terms, move into creating arguments [and] evaluating them, and we finish off with a reflection of, ‘what have we gotten out of this session?'”

He said attendees should come along with an open mind and open ears and a willingness to participate.

“And a willingness to think hard, because sometimes it gets painful – thinking can be really hard work, there’s a lot of cognitive work that’s done,” he said.

“It’s joyfully exhausting, that’s how I’d describe it in the end.”

Philosophy in the Library – Festive end-of-year celebration takes place tomorrow, Saturday 14 December from 10.30am to midday at Lerderderg Library in Bacchus Marsh.

Attendees are encouraged to bring a Christmas snack to share and dress as their favourite philosopher, with prizes for the best costume.

Further information is available on the event’s Facebook page.