Free school holiday fun

June 24, 2024 BY

Get your skates on: Moorabool Youth Services' next school holiday program includes visits to the National Gallery of Victoria, indoor trampoline centre Bounce, and Sunshine Roller Skating Centre. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE SCHOOL holidays are coming up, and a range of free activities for kids and teens are being held across the two-week period.

Moorabool Youth Services’ July school holiday program is now open for bookings, with a range of events planned for young people to enjoy.

The program kicks off with a sports day at MARC Stadium on Tuesday 2 July. Those aged 10 to 17 can try a range of sports and exercises including basketball, netball, pickleball, and yoga, from 1 to 4 pm.

On Wednesday 3 and Wednesday 10 July, sew, stitch, make-a-cushion, and cooking classes will take place at West Maddingley Early Years & Community Hub.

At 9am on Thursday 4 July, the Youth Team will take young history-lovers to Melbourne by train to check out the National Gallery of Victoria’s Pharaoh Exhibition, which highlights ancient Egyptian art and culture.

The next day, Friday 5 July, young people can attend indoor trampoline centre, Bounce, and access free transport to and from the venue.

On Thursday 11 and Friday 12 July, young people can get on the move at Sunshine Roller Skating Centre with roller skating, laser tag, and beatball sessions for over-13s.

A second sports day will be held on Tuesday 9 July.

Registrations are essential at