Learn about witchcraft at Bacchus Marsh fair

February 26, 2025 BY
Bacchus Marsh Witches Fair

Magic medley: Up to 30 stalls will be present at the fair, presenting an assortment of mystical supplies, tarot readings, physic mediums and rare treasures. Photos: SUPPLIED

INTERESTED locals will be afforded the curious opportunity to delve into the mysticism of witchcraft at the Bacchus Marsh Witches Fair on Sunday 16 March.

Rather than some kind of Hollywood-type dark force casting wicked spells over a bubbling cauldron scenario, in modern times, witchcraft could be seen as a form of spiritual practice that includes rituals, worship of nature and the use of magic.

Fair organiser and practicing witch Guy Walter said his own experience in witchcraft for over 40 years has simply involved being one with nature and respecting others.

“It’s not necessarily the image that you see on TV,” he said.

He added that while the term witch is often seen as something female, it has no gender.

“So I’m not a wizard, I’m not a warlock, I’m a witch,” he said.

Mr Walter said the fair promises an eclectic mix of vendors, each presenting an assortment of mystical supplies, tarot readings, physic mediums and rare treasures.

“It’s an opportunity for people to come along if they’re exploring their own craft or they’re exploring their own sense of magic,” he said.

“It’s an opportunity to come and talk to our stall holders, learn from them, but also purchase some products that they might want to apply for themselves as well.

“There’ll be something for everybody, I’m sure. You don’t have to be a hardcore witch, you can just be curious.”

The free, family-friendly Bacchus Marsh Witches Fair takes place on Sunday 16 March from 10am to 3pm at Bacchus Marsh Public Hall, with two more fairs planned for July and October.

Find out more on the Welcome to Moorabool website.