The natural beauty of blue

May 19, 2024 BY

The cyanotype process is how blueprints used to be produced.

A LOCAL artist’s captivating work is now on display at Lerderderg Library, showcasing the depth possible with the cyanotype process.

Denise Martin is a member of Bacchus Marsh’s BMAC Gallery, and is displaying a range of works that are up for sale.

The art form she works in is a photographic technique that uses light sensitive paper, dye, and a negative to create a positive image.

The cyanotype process is how blueprints used to be produced.


Martin’s works also use plants in the process, as part of her favoured theme of nature.

As the cyan in the name implies, this results in a beautiful blue colour, though Martin’s works are a deeper shade of blue.

“I’m inspired by nature, it’s my passion. This process, cyanotype, is what they used to use to produce blueprints in the old days,” she said.


Passion: Mixed media creative Denise Martin enjoys working with a nature theme. Photos: LACHLAN ELLIS


“I just love it, it’s so serendipitous. You never know what you’re going to get, you can’t really replicate anything exactly.

“Making them takes quite a while, the embroidery hoops are hand-embroidered after being cyanotyped.


Passion: Mixed media creative Denise Martin enjoys working with a nature theme. Photos: LACHLAN ELLIS


“The image is produced by exposure to UV light, so depending on when it’s a sunny day or an overcast day, it can take 20 minutes, or you can leave it out there for a few hours.”

Martin’s work will be up at the Moor Art Space until June.


Passion: Mixed media creative Denise Martin enjoys working with a nature theme. Photos: LACHLAN ELLIS


“It’s a wonderful space here. BMAC, we lost our premises a few years ago… we’ve really had no outlet,” Martin said.

“It’s wonderful to be able to have this space available to us.”

Phone 0416 093 814 to enquire.