Wrestlers ready for Bacchus Marsh rumble
ARMS and legs will be flailing left and right at Bacchus Marsh Public Hall on Saturday 8 March when the MayhemMania II live professional wrestling show spectacularly bodyslams itself into the venue.
The series of bouts will feature experienced proponents of the genre alongside students from Melton’s Relentless School of Pro Wrestling.
Relentless School of Pro Wrestling coach Josh Fikret, otherwise known as JTX, is one of the wrestlers due to perform on the night.
He’ll be facing Aaron, formerly known as the Jurassic Punk.
“We’ll have a match where we wear dog collars around our necks and we’re chained together so neither of us can run away,” he said.
“This is the be-all end-all for us.”
As JTX sought to clarify, despite the athleticism of pro wrestling, it’s “definitely not a sport”.
“It’s a combination of performance art, acting and stunt work all rolled into one,” he said.
“But you have to have the fitness and dedication of an athlete.”
He said for fans considering coming along, “it’s the best form of local entertainment you can have”.
“You can’t top it,” he said.
“I’ve never had someone say, ‘wow, I didn’t enjoy that’, or ‘I had to leave’. They’ve always said, ‘wow, that was way better than I thought’.
“If you give it a crack, if you want a good fun night out with the kids, or to have a drink with your mates and watch something whilst you’re doing it, I’m telling you, come down and I promise you will not have a better night.”
A bar, tea, coffee and a barbecue will be available.
For tickets, go to the Be Relentless website.