110-years volunteering

Pamela Broad and Heather Linsdell, with Andrew Freeman (CEO DjHS), have each been volunteers for 55-years. Photo – Helen Tatchell
By Jessica Howard
Heather Linsdell and Pamela “Margaret” Broad have donated more than half-a-century each to Djerriwarrh Health Services.
The two Bacchus Marsh residents have been members of the Ladies Auxiliary for an extraordinary 55-years.
Heather recalls selling everything from jams and cakes to second-hand handbags from a caravan located near the old Post Office.
“We used to set the caravan up once a month and we received all sorts of donations. That was before we set up the Op Shop, which opened up in the little building near Foodworks, but back then there were no other buildings there, it was just a paddock”.
Heather served as the President of the Ladies Auxiliary for three-decades and is still an active member at the Opportunity Shop located on Gell Street.
“It’s been a marvelous thing to be associated with. The Auxiliary has a great group of people and it is very satisfying raising money for important things such as the palliative care unit and the recent sterilising equipment”.
Heather and Pamela, commonly referred to as Margaret, were commended for their dedicated service as part of National Volunteers Week on Friday, May 19.
The pair were among ten volunteers to receive milestone-length awards, which collectively totalled close to 300 years of service.
Pamela said she came to Bacchus Marsh in 1953 and joined the Ladies Auxiliary when her children started school.
“In 1961, my son went to school for the first time and the very next day I went to my first Auxiliary meeting,” she said.
“I was later appointed the role of Treasurer, where I stayed for 18-years before stepping down to go back to work for a little while.
“I have always remained a member and I have fond memories of years ago when we used to host an annual fete on the bit of land that is now the helicopter pad. Auxiliary members from Bacchus Marsh, Balliang and Myrniong used to all come together and have their own little stalls”.
Djerriwarrh Health Services chief executive, Andrew Freeman said it was “extremely important” to officially recognise and acknowledge DjHS’ dedicated volunteers.
“Djerriwarrh Health Services is extremely appreciative of the contribution our volunteers make on a daily basis. Each and every volunteer make a real and valued contribution to our health service, our local community and our patients”.
Pamela said it was an honour to volunteer her time to her local health service.
“To work for the hospital is something great. Not every town has a hospital, but we have that here, and it is going ahead now in leaps and bounds and that is very pleasing to see”.
Vital volunteers
Any volunteer is vital to an organisation and over 120 from Djerriwarrh Health Services attended a luncheon in their honour last week.
Andrew Freeman CEO DjHS, said the organisation has a proud history of volunteers, all the way back to the first volunteer in 1954.
“There are over 230 volunteers with us today.
“Volunteers play a vital role in the success of our programs. Without them, the programs would not be able to function.
“Ten volunteers today have reached a cumulative total of 300 years service.
“We have one ten year service award; four 20 years; two 25 years; one 30 year and extraordinarily, two volunteers have both clocked up 55 years of service as volunteers.
“I thank you all for the work you do and the contribution you make,” Mr Freeman said.
Service Award Recipients
10 Years of Service
Lynette Hewat (Meals on Wheels)
20 Years of Service
Carmel Berry (Ladies Auxillary
Valerie Dickson (Friendly Visiting)
Carmel Matthews (Meals on Wheels)
Lynette Young (Meals on Wheels)
25 Years of Service
Janice McGuiness (Meals on Wheels)
Betty Nelson (Ladies Auxillary)
30 Years of Service
Alice Trask (Kiosk)
55 Years of Service
Pamela Broad (Ladies Auxillary)
Heather Linsdell (Ladies Auxillary)