A chance to have a chat

Supportive: Marcus Whelan is starting up a yarning circle for local cancer patients to connect and share their experiences. Photos: LACHLAN ELLIS
A BACCHUS Marsh man receiving treatment for brain cancer is starting up a support group next month to help those who are going through the fight too.
Marcus Whelan was diagnosed three years ago and said it had surprised him how difficult it was to access support in the area.
However, last year he was invited to a men’s retreat by the Peace of Mind Foundation, which introduced him to a fantastic concept – the yarning circle.
“Being diagnosed with brain cancer, you don’t really know your next steps and what’s going on,” he said.
“I had two operations. After the first surgery I thought I was okay, went back to work, then for my second surgery, before I went in, I had this major freak out.
“All those things came back…and there was no support here. There’s nothing in Bacchus Marsh. I rang council, the Peace of Mind Foundation helped a bit, I rang the Mark Hughes Foundation, and the Cancer Council basically said there was nothing around. I’d have to go to Sunshine or Ballarat.

“When I went on what I call a trip of a lifetime to Maroochydore, we did a yarning circle. There were 32 men on the trip who had brain cancer, and we literally sat in a circle and just told their story.
“For me, I thought, this could work for any cancer. There are so many people in Bacchus Marsh I know with cancer, be it breast cancer, prostate cancer, or other types.
“Having a place to go and have a chat, get something off your chest, talk about what you’re going through…it’s amazing.”
He’s not sure how many people will attend, but with most similar groups being online only, Mr Whelan hopes a local yarning circle can be more personal.
The group’s first meeting will be on Tuesday 2 July at Baby Black Espresso Bar at 10.30 am.
“For future sessions, we might go to Lerderderg Gorge, Big Apple Cafe in the Avenue, Peppertree Park. A lot of people work Monday to Friday, so to have sessions on weekends in the future would be good,” Mr Whelan said.
“They may be monthly, fortnightly, whatever people want. I just want to help people.”
For more information, visit the Bacchus Marsh Cancer Support – Yarning Circle Facebook page.