A gallery for art
By Helen Tatchell
There was a simple solution to what to do with an obsolete wood working room at the Ballan Community House, make it in to an art studio.
After an intense revamp, with financial help from the Ballan & District Community Bank and a Moorabool Shire Council community arts grant, the Lesley Batchelor Gallery has been unveiled.
Community House Manager Lyn Plummer said the future was to expand and strengthen the concept.
“This idea was also to honour Lesley for the hard work and teaching she did over many years.
“The gallery will now be a platform for residents of the shire to hire for smaller style exhibitions,” she said.
“The financial support has been invaluable and without that we would struggle.”
At the launch and opening of the gallery Moorabool Mayor Cr Paul Tatchell said the money is the easy thing.
“This is about connecting people. The key to connectivity is belonging to something,” he said.
“You don’t have to buy an easel to do art, you can appreciate art by just looking at it.”
Ms Batchelor’s daughter Sue Giddins said she was humbled and greatly honoured by the naming of the gallery in memory of her mother.
“Mum loved this place and all those who dwell in it. The happiest time of her life was the time spent at the community house, with her friends and fellow artists.
“I laughed along with the students when, towards the end, mum would grab their brushes and just add a few ‘finishing touches’,” Ms Giddins said.
The launch was held prior to the Ballan Autumn Festival with an exhibition of various artworks from students who are enrolled with classes at the Ballan Community House.
PHOTO – Helen Tatchell
PHOTO – Helen Tatchell