A kick start for Lucas

Darley teenager, Lucas Lai, has been selected to represent Australia in Taekwondo. Photo – Matt Romania
By Matt Romania
Fourteen-year-old rising star and avid taekwondo practitioner, Lucas Lai, affectionately known as ‘The Pocket Rocket,’ is set to represent Australia at the prestigious World Cadet Championships. This international competition is held in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a striking 15,000 kms from Lucas’s home in Darley.
Known for his explosive spinning kicks, Lucas’ dedication to taekwondo is as unwavering as his dream to represent Australia which is soon to become a reality.
“I’m pretty excited to represent Australia. It’s a bit nerve-wracking but mostly exciting,” Lucas told The Moorabool News with a smile, showing a maturity beyond his years.
However, the journey to the world stage doesn’t come cheap. Lucas’ family has started a fundraiser to cover the $10,000 needed for expenses, which include airfare, accommodation, leas, competition uniform and training equipment.
“If we can reach the fundraising goal, it would mean the world to me. It would show the community is behind me and my dream,” Lucas said.
His dedication to the sport doesn’t wane as he shared his vigorous training schedule to ensure he is prepared and ready for competition.
“I love stepping on the mats and giving my heart out.”
Lucas said with his competitive spirit and focus intact, he always aims to give his best in each and every match.
“I am searching for that one percent, that edge over my opponent. If you’re doing something, always try to get one percent better. That can make all the difference.”
Despite the challenges of competing at the national level, Lucas overall remains humble and appreciative of the people around him.
“When you’re training, always listen to your coach and try your hardest. Always give 100 per cent effort,” was his advice to aspiring taekwondo enthusiasts.
Lucas’ mother Amanda invites the community to get behind her son and help him represent Australia on the world stage.
“Lucas has worked incredibly hard to reach this milestone, and with your help, we can show the world the strength of Australian youth.”
Donations to Lucas’ campaign can be made via the Australia Sports Foundation, with contributions over $2 being tax-deductible: https://asf.org.au/projects/a-kick-start-for-lucas-lai