A Party Safe Reminder
Eyewatch – Moorabool Police Service Area
Police would like parents to be aware of any parties or gatherings their young people may be attending this weekend and ask themselves if the event is safe or not.
Is the event being held at a private house or a public reserve?
• Is there likely to be adults in attendance?
• Is it likely that alcohol will be available?
• Is your child openly talking about the event or are they evasive with the details?
• Do they have a safety plan in pace of who to call if things go wrong and the party is no longer safe?
• Are you available to pick them up at short notice?
Let’s all do our bit to keep our young people safe. If parents have any concerns about a party or gathering their young person is planning to attend, they can contact Bacchus Marsh Police 5366 4500, or the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.
Victoria Police also run the Partysafe Register which allows parents to register a party they are hosting. You can register a party via the Service Victoria App, Police Assistance Line or by attending at your local police station. https://bddy.me/3psFkTZ
What is the Victoria Police Partysafe program?
The Victoria Police Partysafe Program is about minimising the risks to safety at parties such as violence, intoxicated guests, or gatecrashers so that hosts and their guests can stay safe and have fun.
The program allows you to register your party with the police online or at your local police station.
The registration form is important to ensure police are aware of the event and can provide timely assistance if things start to get out of hand.
• Register at your local police station
• Download and complete the Partysafe Registration form
• Take the form to the local police station nearest to the party.
Please be mindful that late party registrations may impact on Victoria Police’s ability to manage your party information. It is advised that you register at least one week prior to the party.
Please note that, due to the dynamic nature of calls for police service, registering your party with Victoria Police cannot guarantee that police will check on the progress of your party as a matter of course.
When you register, consider the following:
• The number of people likely to attend your party
• If there will be alcohol
• Informing your neighbours
• Obtaining consent from the parents or guardians of underage drinkers
• responsible serving and provision of alcohol adult supervision or appropriate security
• a medical emergency plan
Please try to register your party at least one week before it is being held
Always remember, if you are unable to handle the situation, call police on Triple Zero (000)
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