A safer ride to school
More students are being encouraged to get on their bikes, walk, skateboard or scoot to school safely with a popular program set to stay.
Victorian Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence has announced the continuation of the popular Bicycle Network run Ride2School program.
The Labor Government is investing $1.4 million to continue the partnership, which aims to make riding to school a safer and more attractive mode of transport for students and funding will be prioritised for disadvantaged schools so every child in Victoria has the opportunity for a healthy start to the school day.
Minister Spence said the students who take part in the Ride2School Program are “showing all Victorians a safe and healthy way to get active in their local community.”
The funding boost also includes an initiative to encourage and reward schools to establish specially designated routes and bike education so students can ride safely to school.
This year alone more than 400 Victorian schools took part in Ride2School Day on Friday March 25 and nationally almost 358,000 students participated in it, getting to school in a way that keeps them active, energised and ready to learn at the start of the day.
Studies show that one in four children are not getting enough exercise and an early ride or walk to school is a great way to ensure students are energised and ready to start learning from the first bell.
Schools participating in the program have approximately 13 per cent more students walking and riding to school when compared to non-participating schools.
The Ride2School program has encouraged thousands of students get on their bikes since 2006, and also promotes the importance of bicycle safety – wearing helmets when riding and keeping aware of other users of roads and footpaths.
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