Age well, live well
Are you over 50 years of age? If so, Moorabool Shire Council wants to hear from you on how to make Moorabool a wonderful place to age in.
The ‘Age Well Live Well Strategy 2022 – 2025’ will provide a plan for how Council can meet the needs of older Mooraboolites over the next four years, and community input will be vital.
Council is running a survey on its website until 7 December, asking residents who are 50 and older their thoughts on a range of factors such as housing options, personal mobility, and accessible events and services.
Participants are also asked what could be improved, with both a list of services and factors, and a text box to type any additional comments or suggestions.
To take part in the survey, visit and click ‘Age Well Live Well Strategy 2022 – 2025’.
A draft strategy will be created in January 2022 and exhibited in March, before being finalised in April next year.
To read the full story – Simply click on the following link
in the 16 November 2021 edition
pick up a paper around your town.