Aged care facility confirms COVID case

The Royal Freemasons Aged Care facility in Darley has been given the all clear by DHHS. Photo - Royal Freemasons
A spokesperson for the Royal Freemasons Aged Care facility has confirmed to the Moorabool News today (Monday 10 August 2020) they received notification from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) last Friday (7 Aug 2020), that a staff member returned a positive coronavirus test recently.
“The employee last worked more than two weeks ago at Bacchus Marsh,” they said.
“As instructed by DHHS, we have implemented our outbreak management plan within the home as a precautionary measure. This involves the implementation of PPE including gowns, gloves and masks within the home and residents are being cared for within their rooms.”
The spokesperson said residents and staff were tested yesterday, with the remainder of staff being tested today.
“All residents and staff are well, none have any signs or symptoms. This is a precautionary process and we hope to begin to receive test results this afternoon and throughout tomorrow.”