Amen to church

October 18, 2018 BY

FINAL HYMN SUNG - (L-R) Elizabeth Hall and Judith De Groot at the now closed Blackwood Anglican Church. Photo – Helen Tatchell

By Carol Saffer

The white weatherboard All Saints Anglican Church standing on a hill in Blackwood since 1865 has been sold and deconsecrated.
The church set on 7000 square metres of land (just under two acres), sold for $500,000 on 25th July to Melbourne resident Nigel Edwards, after a calling for Expressions of Interest.
According to a spokesman for the Anglican Church, All Saints was put on the market because it was “surplus to requirements.”
By 2016 the church-going congregation had diminished to just two – Judith de Groot who lived and worshipped in Blackwood for 30 years, and Ballarat resident Bruno Micic who came to Blackwood for every church service – with Sunday service held once a month before ceasing altogether.
Mrs de Groot says she is disappointed with the lack of communication from the Anglican Diocese regarding the sale of the church, a sentiment echoed by long term Blackwood resident Elizabeth Hall.
“It would have been good if the Diocese had let us know their intentions, even though the church was closed,” says Mrs de Groot.
The Right Reverend Philip Huggins, Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Melbourne officiated at the Church’s deconsecration service, attended by eight Blackwood locals and ex-residents, on 18 September this year.
Deconsecration is the act of removing a religious blessing from a place of worship in order for the church to be sold, demolished or used for non-religious activities.
New owner of All Saints Mr Edwards who took possession of the property in September, plans to use the property as a weekender saying he is “conscious of retaining it as it is.”
“The tennis court will still be open for community use,” he said.
Mr Edwards, familiar with the area having attended the Blackwood Easter Fair for the past five years, met some of the local residents at a recent BBQ at the post office and has joined the Blackwood Progress Association.
He says there is considerable work to be done on the building to make it habitable in order to abide with planning permits and guidelines, with restumping, rewiring and replumbing planned to take place over the next couple of years.
The nearest Anglican Church with weekly Sunday services is St George’s at Trentham.