An ace cause

Shane Cook and Dr Rav Sadhai are proud to help raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues. Photo – Submitted
By Lachlan Ellis
Locals had a hit for a great cause recently, with around 60 people attending an annual day to raise funds for Movember.
The Movember Men’s Tennis Day, sponsored by Shane Cook Homes, was held on Sunday 27 November, with a portion of the $100 entry per pair going to the Movember Foundation for men’s health.
Event organiser Steve Kelly said it was fantastic to be a part of the action-packed event.
“We had a great day on Sunday. The day included tennis, a sit-down lunch, a men’s health chat with Dr Rav Sadhi, raffles, a silent auction, and live music from Tom Jenkins,” he told the Moorabool News.
“Dr Sadhi spoke about the importance of getting regular health check-ups, and always checking in with mates. We don’t have figures in yet on the funds raised, but it was great to raise money again for a worthy cause.”
The competition ran across three grades, with Darcy Frigo and Josh Goodland winning in the A Grade, Ray Kelly and Mick Baddeley named B Grade winners, and Lefteri Guy and Jesse Hope winning in the C Grade.