An endangered plump gaggle

March 16, 2020 BY

The Magpie Geese at Balliang East Photo - © David Whelan 2020 /

By Caitlin Bewley
(3rd Yr Swinburne Uni)

A flock of unknown birds were spotted on farmland 37km south-east of Ballan. They had a Magpie-like appearance, but what were they?
The large black and white birds were seen by a farmer on a Balliang East property on Wednesday 4 March, leading the farmer to phone a friend to find out what they were.
David Whelan was called by the puzzled farmer and identified the flock as the endangered Magpie Geese. Mr Whelan later told The Moorabool News they were the “biggest birds around” and were “very placid”.
“[The magpie goose] is most common in northern flood plains in the Northern Territory,” Mr Whelan said.
“Due to urbanisation and the changes to agriculture, the magpie goose is an endangered species.”

To read the full story – Simply click on the following link and scroll through the pages in the 17 March 2020 edition



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