An example of a good bloke

Rotary President Scott Pepin presents Senior Constable Jim Ross with the Paul Harris Fellow award. Photo – Helen Tatchell
By Helen Tatchell
For he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good fellow…., actually he is a Paul Harris Fellow.
Senior Constable Jim Ross is the Youth Resource Officer stationed at Bacchus Marsh police station, and was recognised by the Rotary Club of Bacchus Marsh with a special gold pin and certificate.
President of Bacchus Marsh Rotary Scott Pepin said Paul Harris founded Rotary International in 1905 in the USA.
“The award is in recognition of Jim’s services to Victoria Police; his dedication to the community, to youth and to the people of Bacchus Marsh.
“You stand with Nelson Mandela, Pope John Paul II, Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi, all recipients of the Paul Harris Fellow award,” Mr Pepin said.
Mr Ross, a Coimadai resident, said he was speechless.
“I don’t know how come you chose me. I am so honoured, thank you,” he said.
Mr Ross’ work takes in not only Moorabool Shire but also Hepburn and Golden Plains.