An interesting conversation
By Jane Gardner
It is not quite Hyde Park’s Conversation Corner in London where you can stand on a soap box and have ‘your say’, but it is a serene and relaxed environment to have a quiet conversation.
At Gordon Public Park, the new Conversation Corner was officially opened by Federal MP Hon Catherine King last December.
Funded through the Government’s Stronger Communities Program, the Conversation Corner consists of three beautifully-constructed Iron Bark timber park benches, installed by the Public Park Committee in the top corner of the garden, overlooking the tennis courts. And needless to say, there were plenty of good conversations taking place at the launch.
First Nations local, Barry Gilson opened the proceedings with an Aboriginal Smoking Ceremony and a brief history of the cultural significance of the area, while Ms King reminded the assembled guests of “the importance and value of a well-connected community, especially during the isolating challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.”
The Gordon Ukestra performed a few open-air songs, while the Public Park Committee provided refreshements.
Contributors to the facility and upgrade of the park have included Ballan & District Community Bank (BBQ and sheltered area to be built at the facility); Moorabool North Windfarm (a reverse cycle air conditioner for the park building). Representatives from both organisations attended as did DELWP, who oversees the Committee of Management along with Moorabool’s West Ward Councillor Ally Munari and community members.
Roger Lowery, Director of the Community Bank Ballan said the bank is “proud to provide some of the funding, almost $40,000, towards the amazing community space which is being developed at the Gordon Public Park.”
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in the 18 January 2022 edition
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