Another blight on Bacchus

The alternative southern route would begin at an upgraded eastern freeway interchange and connect to all three routes north of the freeway. All three options and alternate route head through the Irrigation District.
By Helen Tatchell
A state government slogan once said ‘Victoria, the place to be’, but it appears Bacchus Marsh is not included as ‘the place to be’, as it faces being a dumping ground for contaminated soil, the landscape and farms decimated with overhead high voltage transmission lines and now, the bulldozing of market gardens for a truck route.
The latter is for the proposed Bacchus Marsh Eastern Link. The construction of the road would connect Geelong-Bacchus Marsh Road with the Western Freeway.
To read the full story – Simply click on the following link and flip through to page number four (4).
in the 08 December 2020 edition
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