Appeal for good samaritans

Bacchus Marsh Lions Club members Bill Richards, David Atterbury, and Ben Noble are hopeful of breaking last year’s donation tally of $30,643. Photo – Lachlan Ellis
By Lachlan Ellis
The sound of rattling tins will fill the air again soon for the Good Friday Appeal, and local groups are calling for both donations, and more volunteers to collect for the kids.
The Bacchus Marsh Lions Club and the Ballan Group of Fire Brigades raised a combined total of more than $50,000 at last year’s Appeal, and are optimistic the community will dig deep again in 2023.
Coordinator of the Bacchus Marsh Lions Club’s fundraising efforts, David Atterbury, said volunteers were always welcome to come on-board and do their bit for the Royal Children’s Hospital.
“We’re always positive and optimistic we can raise more than previous years. We’ve got a new aid this year, a ‘give for the kids’ QR code. A lot of people these days say ‘we don’t use cash anymore, only credit cards’. Well now they can donate by scanning the QR code with their phone,” Mr Atterbury told the Moorabool News.
“Every year we’re in need of more volunteers, we’ll always find a place to put them. The generosity of the local community every Good Friday is incredible. It’s just magic.”
Ian Ireland is coordinator for the Ballan Group of Fire Brigades (Ballan, Greendale, Gordon and Mount Egerton), and said the brigades were always looking for volunteers.
“Gordon will be collecting in the Gordon area and possibly part of Wallace; Greendale will have a street collection at the roundabout on the corner of the Ballan-Trentham Road, and the run that runs out to the freeway by the pub. Ballan will be doing a township doorknock, and we’ll also be collecting at the two service stations on the freeway,” Mr Ireland said.
“It’s nice to raise more money, but it’s nice that people can give too. Any amount we can collect is good for the kids. If people want to donate before Good Friday, the bakery has a donation tin 365 days a year, and the Ballan Newsagency has a tin too. They can leave an envelope with a donation there if they want a receipt.
“And we always welcome community members helping out, the more the merrier.”
To volunteer for the Bacchus Marsh Lions Club’s fundraising, contact David Atterbury on 0439 324 494 or head to the Bacchus Marsh Fire Station at 9 am on Good Friday. If you’d like to help the Ballan Group of Brigades fundraise, send an email to [email protected].