Australia Day – a great day out

February 11, 2023 BY

Rotary Club of Bacchus Marsh

More than 500 Moorabool residents turned out to join in the Australia Day activities in the Bacchus Marsh Public Hall.

Hosted and organised by the Rotary Club of Bacchus Marsh, the day was an opportunity to get to know our dedicated community volunteer groups, while at the same time enjoying the taste and sound of all things local.

Residents of all ages were able to fill their locally made bags with free delights and gifts such as delicious, locally grown strawberries, potted plants, children’s toys, sweets and flags. Music and dance lovers were entertained by a popular local jazz band and singer, while aspiring swing dancers aged from seven years old to 90, were able to refine their footwork with personalised Lindy Hop lessons by professional dance teachers.

Lunch was on hand, with hot sausages in bread cooked on site by the Lions Club of Bacchus Marsh and freshly baked scones, jam and cream served up by busy CWA members. As if that was not enough, chocolates made right there as you watched were an additional treat.

The youngest members of our community waited excitedly in line to receive a customised balloon-tied creation and a unique face-painting design, before heading on out to spend some time with the animals in the pet farm, take a ride on the Lions’ train, don a CFA fireman’s helmet or practise some CPR with the Ambulance crew.

In the meantime, the adults were keen to have a chat with the many different volunteer groups, who were able to explain their roles and activities in the community. Many residents were able to enquire as to how they might join in with some of the varied activities of these groups.

Rotary Bacchus Marsh would like to thank all those community groups who volunteered their services on this holiday. These included the Lions’ Club, the Country Women’s Association (CWA), the Neighbours Place (Food Bank), Darley Community Art Garden, the BaccBeat Jazz Band, U3A, Darley Neighbourhood House, the SES, CFA and Ambulance crews, the Probus Club, Apple FM and the Historical Society. Other contributors included the Destine Dance Group and the businesses who supplied the floral arrangements, local goods and produce.