Bacchus Story back in print

Barb McMillan and the BMDHS are excited to have more copies of The Bacchus Story available for the community. Photo – Lachlan Ellis
By Lachlan Ellis
The work of a late, great local historian will soon be reprinted and available for purchase, almost 50 years after its initial release.
Betty Osborn was a Life Member of the Bacchus Marsh and District Historical Society (BMDHS), which this year is having her book ‘The Bacchus Story: A History of Captain W.H. Bacchus and his Son’ reprinted.
The book is a uniquely detailed work about Captain William Henry Bacchus, for whom Bacchus Marsh is named, with documented evidence.
BMDHS Secretary Barb McMillan said The Bacchus Story was a vital source of historical information, and had been out of print for years.
“The book is used extensively by our members, for research purposes and different projects undertaken by the Society. Visitors to our Archives have asked to purchase a copy but unfortunately, we didn’t have any copies to sell to the public as it was out of print,” Ms McMillan told the Moorabool News.
“At a committee meeting, the suggestion to look into republishing two of our publications – “A History of Bacchus Marsh and Its Pioneers 1836 – 1936” and “The Bacchus Story” – was discussed, and agreed to.
“Permission was sought and given from Betty’s children, and they were thrilled that we thought so much of Betty to honour her with the reprinting of ‘The Bacchus Story”. The family also made many donations to the Society including all of Betty’s research journals, correspondence, and notes in relation to the book. We are extremely grateful for these donations.”
Betty Osborn passed away on 10 December 2020, and the book has been republished in her memory, with the kind permission of her children Robyn, Diana, Cathy, and Philip.
Copies of The Bacchus Story can be purchased for $30 at BMDHS’ Archives at Lerderderg Library on Thursdays between 10 am – 12 pm or 1 pm – 3 pm, or from BMDHS’ online book shop at
The reprint is an A4 size with a soft cover.