Big possibilities for a small school.

Pay to stay: A 7.5 per cent tax on short stay accommodation bookings of less than 28 days could raise as much as $60 million per year for the Victorian Government. Photo: FILE
MOUNT Egerton Primary School sits on an expansive site with a basketball court, oval, two playgrounds and a bush block.
The school’s core values are kindness, wisdom, integrity, and courage, which are integrated into the school through focused lessons and weekly student awards.
Though it’s a small school, Mount Egerton Primary has a teaching principal, two classroom teachers and a tutor, and two education support staff who work in the classrooms.
It runs a junior and senior class for reading, writing, and maths, with no more than eight students in each group – enabling teachers to pinpoint each student’s needs at provide targeted teaching.
For other curriculum areas, students at Mount Egerton are grouped together with the teacher providing differentiation based on student needs.
The full curriculum is offered, including science, STEM, visual and performing arts and Auslan (Australian sign language).
A range of programs cater to student wellbeing, including lunchtime activities, daily breakfast club, weekly story dogs visit, wellbeing tutoring sessions, and the implementation of trauma aware practices.
School captains, sport captains, and junior school council from Grades 1 to 6 are elected by their peers, and actions are undertaken from the school’s Marrung Implementation Plan to ensure Koorie families feel connected and supported.
A number of grants are tapped into by the school to support families and improve the schoolgrounds, including funds that pay for camp, sporting school grants for swimming, a shade sail and outdoor learning area grant, and an outside school hours care grant to establish an OSHC program.
In 2023, the school received more than $450,000 to fully refurbish the student toilet block, and the school has also tapped into grants to upskill staff, including a music in schools grant, a dance program grant, and a primary maths and science specialist two-year grant.
Mount Egerton Primary also collaborates with other small schools in the area to ensure students don’t miss out on sporting days, excursion opportunities, and shared camps.