Birth of History celebrated

October 30, 2018 BY

Inaugural members of BMDHS Inc L to R Dr John Woods, Sue Woods & Wendy Vearing. First meting was 4th October 1968.

Around 70 life, current and past members gathered earlier this month to celebrate the 50-year anniversary of the formation of the Bacchus Marsh Historical Society.
The night included a presentation from President of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Associate Professor Don Garden OAM, FFAHS, FRHSV on the importance of Historical Societies to local communities, as well as a special anniversary cake by the three founding members.
Special guests in attendance included Associate Professor Don Garden OAM, FFAHS, FRHSV, President of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, President of the Federation of Australian Historical Societies, along with Moorabool Mayor Paul Tatchell, Don Nardella MLA and founding members Dr John Woods, Sue Woods and Wendy Vearing.
The Society was originally founded on 4 October 1968 at the home of Dr John and Sue Woods, and approximately 30 people from the local community attended the inaugural meeting, coming together as the community was concerned the local sandstone police cells at Bacchus Marsh Police Station were going to be moved to a folk museum at Swan Hill.
The old sandstone cells are still present today out the back of the main street police station.