Campaign to keep roadworkers safe

Safety first: A new campaign is reminding Victorian drivers to show respect to roadworkers. Photo: FILE
A NEW State Government awareness campaign is encouraging drivers to slow down and show respect when they see roadworkers.
Research from the Traffic Management Association of Australia showed an increase in physical and verbal aggression towards roadworkers.
Roadworkers are verbally assaulted on average once a week and will report one motorist refusing to stop every fortnight.
“Roadworkers should be treated with respect as they carry out the important job of improving our road network every day across Victoria,” said Minister for Roads and Road Safety Melissa Horne.
“Every Victorian deserves the right to feel safe at work – this campaign is a reminder that the decisions every driver makes can be the reason our roadworkers make it home safely each day to their loved ones.”
The ‘We’re People Too’ campaign aims to remind drivers how their actions can impact the physical and mental safety of roadworkers.
It will run across media platforms until New Years Eve and include the four roadworkers sharing their lives.
The State Government recently launched a road maintenance blitz and thousands of roadworkers will be completing projects in the next year.