Car park to be upgraded

Ongoing: Works at the Maddingley Park car park on Grant Street will continue for the rest of June. Photo: SUPPLIED
CAR park works beside a major Moorabool park and football ground are underway, and will continue for the rest of the month.
The project at the Maddingley Park car park on Grant Street include kerb and channel works, drainage, and asphalt surfacing, and permanent relocation of the standpipe to Bond Street 900 metres away.
The works will upgrade the informal nature of the car park, which until now has been a fairly uneven gravel surface.
“The project entails construction of a new asphalt carpark, new ingress and egress to Grant Sttreet, upgraded shared user path and relocation of the stand pipe to Bond Street,” a Moorabool Shire Council spokesperson said.
“The design includes 32 spaces and has been designed to cater for the proposed intersection upgrade at Grant/Station St that the Victorian Government has funded.”
There is no change in access to the double gate in Bond Street as a result of the changes, and while there is reduced parallel parking at the standpipe, this is offset by on-street parking recently completed on Taverner Street.