Celebrating progress with flying colours

Raised with pride: Mayor Cr Ally Munari raised the Rainbow Flag at Moorabool Shire Council's Ballan office last Friday for IDAHOBIT Day. Photo: LACHLAN ELLIS
ABOUT thirty local members and allies of the LGBTQIA+ community attended a rainbow flag-raising ceremony last week in Ballan.
Held for IDAHOBIT Day – the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia – the event saw the flag flown alongside the Australian and Aboriginal flags at Moorabool Shire Council’s Ballan office.
Attendees also enjoyed complimentary coffees, and an appropriately colourful morning tea spread.
Moorabool Shire mayor, Cr Ally Munari thanked all those in attendance, and said it was important to show the region’s LGBTQIA+ community that they’re valued and accepted.
“It’s my great pleasure to stand with you all here today, to fly the rainbow flag on IDAHOBIT Day, to celebrate and acknowledge Moorabool Shire’s LGBTQIA+ community,” Cr Munari said.
“As an organisation, we value diversity, equality, and inclusion, and IDAHOBIT Day provides us an opportunity, along with other days celebrated, to acknowledge this within our community.
“The first IDAHOBIT Day was held in 2005, and today it’s acknowledged by millions of people globally.
“IDAHOBIT is the anniversary of 17 May 1990, when the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from the classification of diseases; a significant day for many.
“While IDAHOBIT Day has evolved over the years, the purpose remains the same, to celebrate the progress made, while also raising awareness for the discrimination that many LGBTQIA+ people still experience today.”
The rainbow flag was also flown at Moorabool Shire Council’s office in Darley, though a formal ceremony was not held there.
Community and allies: About 30 people marked IDAHOBIT Day at the the flag raising ceremony last week. Photo: LACHLAN ELLIS