Changing of the guard

Laura Sims has taken over the reins as President of the Ballan & District Chamber of Commerce. Photo – The Moorabool News
By Tina Seirlis
As the Ballan & District Chamber of Commerce goes from strength to strength delivering on its five-year strategic plan, those attending the group’s Annual General Meeting last month would have also borne witness to a collaborative and voluntary role reversal between President and Treasurer.
Laura Sims, Co-Director of Ballan Builders, along with Sam’s Christmas Tree Farm in Bungal, was endorsed by the broader membership as its twelfth President, and first female to hold the role in over 25-years with local business operators Edith Paarhammer, and Bev Herd, each holding the role across separate terms in the mid-90s.
In turn, outgoing President Michael Ryan, OAM, a self-employed accountant and registered company auditor, stepped into the role of Treasurer.
Ms Sims moved to Ballan in 2007 from Bacchus Marsh, and due to a strong family connection to the town said she has always considered Ballan home. Following on she joined the Chamber in 2017 following the group’s inaugural Business Excellence Awards, and took on the role of Treasurer in 2021.
Ms Sims has also been an integral member of the group’s grant sub-committee that recently led in the recent brand refresh and popular networking events.
Ms Sims shared her commitment to business in the region.
“The Chamber has an amazing group of businesses in our town and surrounds, with so much knowledge and motivation, that makes me excited to see what we can do,” she said.
“With the grant that has now been approved, we can also continue on our five-year plan works, and you will hear more about this in the next few months.”
Outgoing President Michael Ryan, was also recognised by Ms Sims, who had initially committed to the Presidential role for two years, but ended up holding the role across four, inclusive of the particularly challenging COVID period.
“I would like to thank Michael for all his work across the past four years, from face to face meetings, through to Zoom, when we didn’t know how to mute ourselves and have the perfect camera angles, to last minute meeting cancellations and back to face to face meetings,” she said.
Mr Ryan said he will now move on to settling in to his role as Treasurer, along with maintaining his other volunteer role for the St Vincent de Paul Society as President of their Ballarat Regional Council. He will also continue to run his own business.
Although his term as President has come to a close, Mr Ryan continues to be an advocate for volunteering.
“The world is run by people who turn up. If you can get involved in your community in some way for some time, don’t hesitate. We all have something to offer,” he said.
Continued membership growth is a key focus for Ms Sims during her first year as President.
“With so many businesses not only in Ballan, but within our local towns we can continue to support and encourage each other, exploring how we continue to maintain a community feel considering the potential growth in our towns.”
Membership to Ballan & District Chamber of Commerce is open to any business owner or business professional based in or living in Moorabool Shire.
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month with the next meeting scheduled for Tuesday 19 September at Zest Café Ballan.
Further information is available on their website