Collaborating on roads

Unlike Fisken Street in Ballan, Moorabool roads will decline after Council missed out on extra funding. Photo – Lachlan Ellis
By Lachlan Ellis
Moorabool Shire Council has partnered with five other councils in a new program to reseal roads across western Victoria.
Joining Hepburn, Golden Plains, and Pyrenees Shire Councils, Ararat Rural City Council and Ballarat City Council, Moorabool will engage in a regional bituminous resealing program with VSA Roads Pty Ltd, a Victorian-based contractor.
Successive years of wet weather have seen a marked decrease in road conditions, with numerous drivers in Moorabool Shire and across the state reporting damage to their vehicles hitting potholes.
Moorabool Shire Mayor Cr Rod Ward said it made sense to partner up with neighbouring shires and help cut costs.
“It’s so beneficial having a collaborative tender for bituminous resealing, as has been demonstrated the last two rounds we’ve partnered with our neighbouring councils for this re-sealing work,” Cr Ward said.
“It represents better value and better outcomes for residents of all participating councils. Collaborative tendering is something we would look at doing wherever appropriate for a range of goods and services.”
Hepburn Shire Council Mayor Cr Brian Hood agrees.
“Joining together with neighbouring Councils to improve our roads makes good sense, both from a safety and financial perspective,” he said.
“We appreciate the feedback from the community on roads. We encourage people to continue to contact Council to raise a service request via our website or by phone.”
In November last year, Moorabool Shire Council unanimously voted to increase its road maintenance budget by up to $600,000.