Combined effort to improve waterway health

Students from Bacchus Marsh Primary School helped plant seedlings along the Lerderderg River. Photos – Grow West
Grade 5 students from Bacchus Marsh Primary School have joined with Grow West, Moorabool Shire Council, and the Moorabool Landcare Network planting seedlings to help restore native vegetation along the Lerderderg River in Darley.
The team worked together excitedly and diligently to improve habitat next to the popular walking track along the Lerderderg River near Federation Park.
Grow West, a 20-year-old landscape rehabilitation program, has been so successful in making positive changes to our environment by being able to partner with agencies and the community to work on joint projects like this planting. This planting contributes to the 20,000 seedlings that Grow West will be planting this season to celebrate their 20th anniversary.
“It was fantastic working with such an enthusiastic and engaged group of students and to witness them being so passionate about wanting to improve the environment they live in,” Grow West Coordinator, Lindy MacRaild said.