Community fund applications open for Yaloak South area

August 26, 2024 BY
Yaloak South Community Fund

Up for grabs: Groups can apply for project cash until mid-September. Photo: FILE

WIND farm operator Pacific Blue has opened applications for funding under its biannual Yaloak South Sustainable Community Fund.

Community groups and not-for-profit organisations can apply for a share in $62,000 from the fund, set up to give something back to the community hosting the Yaloak South wind farm near Ballan.

The fund now has no application limit. It has previously supported projects from 31 recipients including the Ballan Football Netball Club, the Moorabool Landcare Network and Rowsley CFA.

Pacific Blue CEO Domenic Capomolla said it was a privilege to distribute more than $185,000 from the fund since the wind farm was commissioned in 2017.

“The Yaloak South community has been supportive of our clean energy ambitions from the start,” he said.

“It’s important we show our commitment to strengthening the community by funding initiatives with positive and long-term benefits to the local area.

“We recognise that energy companies, like Pacific Blue, do not have an automatic social licence to operate in these areas. We know that we have to earn our place to be here.”

Mr Capomolla said projects to receive money from the fund included electronic scoreboards, light upgrades, nursery storage solutions and important CFA equipment.

Because the fund has changed to operate biannually with no cap on the number of applications, Pacific Blue is encouraging community organisations to work together on projects that deliver greater community impact.

The fund is part of a larger Pacific Blue community funding program that has distributed more than $6 million across 1142 projects within regional Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland.

“It’s important the funding goes to organisations who have identified a clear community need, that have a realistic and feasible plan in place for addressing the gap, and that local members of the evaluation panel can identify as being worthwhile for the region,” Mr Capomolla said.

Community and not-for-profit organisations from Beremboke, Glenmore, Mount Wallace and Rowsey are encouraged to apply. Applications close on 14 September, and more information is available at