Cool grant

March 4, 2019 BY

Paul Diedrichs (Goldwind) tests the new reverse cycle system with Mick Conroy (BBC) and Julie Dargan (Mbool Wind farm) PHOTO - Helen Tatchell

The installation of a heating and cooling system has been welcomed after temperatures soared well in to the high 30s last week.
A $5000 Round 2 Community Grant from Moorabool Wind Farm to the Ballan Bowling Club will see the clubs’ members more comfortable on hot days.
“The clubrooms have a bit of age on them and we have an older style evaporative cooler, but this system is much better, and we thank Moorabool Wind Farm for the opportunity to be able to source community funding,” said BBC Secretary Mick Conroy.
“The members will appreciate cool clubrooms on match days and of course for all our functions during the year,” he said.