Council briefs

Debate: Diane Cook, Jim Connell, and Karen Hinkley are some of the Elaine Recreation Reserve community asset committee's 10 members lobbying to change the site's name to the Ron Read Recreation Reserve. Photo: FILE
Opposition to renaming reserve
IT’S not often Moorabool Shire Council receives a petition opposing a previous petition, but the 5 June Ordinary Meeting of Council was an exception.
In April, a petition from 106 residents of Elaine came before council, asking that the town’s Recreation Reserve be renamed the Ron Read Recreation Reserve.
At the latest meeting, council received a petition with 113 signatures strongly opposing the renaming..
“The Elaine Cricket Club committee, players and members are against the change of name. We have also been contacted by many local residents who are also against the name change and rang to ask the Cricket Club why and wanted information,” the petition reads.
“We are very shocked to have not been informed of this to say the least.
“There are so many people and families that have given many years and volunteered at the reserve, to name the reserve after just one person is not right.”
Council voted unanimously to receive the petition, and request a report be prepared on the matter by officers for council’s consideration.
Moorabool to withdraw from Committee
An alternate motion was moved by Cr Tom Sullivan, that Council write to the Committee for Ballarat and inform them council wishes to withdraw its membership.
Cr Sullivan also moved that council “advise the Committee it wishes them well in its future endeavours, but believes the direction of the Committee does not align with the interests of the communities of Moorabool.”
The motion was seconded by Cr Paul Tatchell, with Cr Rod Ward dissenting.
“I sense that the interests of our municipality don’t necessarily align with the Committee of Ballarat. That’s been demonstrated to me on a couple of occasions,” Cr Sullivan said.
“I think we have to stand with our community in this matter. We have to consider the communities of our Shire, first and foremost.”
Cr Ward said he is supportive of the motion where it’s reviewed on an annual basis.
“I think the Committee for Ballarat represents the City of Ballarat and the western region, including Hepburn, Golden Plains, Pyrenees, and Moorabool by its very charter,” he said.
“I think our interests are intricately aligned. If you look at their charter, it is in the interests of Moorabool.
“I’m in the view that we have to work in a collaborative fashion with the Committee, as there’s much to benefit from it.”
Cr Tatchell said he is at odds with the Committee of Ballarat supporting the transmission line project.
“We need to be strong and support [undergrounding of the lines], not link hands with the Committee of Ballarat,” he said.
Six of the seven councillors voted in favour of withdrawing from the Committee for Ballarat, with Cr Ward the sole no vote.