Councillor declares interest as candidate in State election

March 27, 2018 BY

Moorabool, Councillor Jarrod Bingham has declared he will run as an Independent in the upcoming State election. Photo Jessica Howard ©

By Kate Taylor

Watch out, the snake catcher is coming: that’s Jarrod Bingham’s message to state parliamentarians as he launches his bid for the seat of Melton.
A local snake catcher, literally, Bingham’s campaign is set to have some bite, with the 27-year-old already sinking his teeth into the big issues with an attack on ‘dodgy’ politicians.
“For the last 10 years my passion, dedication and commitment has been to catch snakes in and around homes. Now, I am turning all my focus and attention on catching those snakes in Parliament,” he told the Moorabool News.
“I am here to send a strong message to all the politicians out there, if you forget the fact that being in Parliament is a privilege not a right, if you even think once about ripping off the tax payer and rort the system – watch out, the Snake Catcher is coming!”
Bingham already has experience at the local government level, having been elected in 2016 as a councillor in the East Moorabool ward, and will officially nominate as a candidate in the November state elections later this year.
He will step down from his councillor role during his official nomination, expected to last several weeks, and he will be nominating as an independent candidate not affiliated with any political parties.
Bingham told the Moorabool News that the reasons behind his candidacy are similar to those behind his campaign that saw him elected to local government.
“I feel there is currently a lack of true community representation. I want to be at the forefront for making a real difference in the area and in people’s lives.
“I am sick and tired of seeing the neglect shown to the area and the disrespect to its constituents by taking us all for granted. I am here to change that!”
Bingham said that Melton (electorate), where he has lived his whole life, faces obstacles because it is considered to be a safe seat – but that he is going to change that perception.
“That’s why I am here. In November I want to make history; my goal, for the first time ever will be to bring our area out of a safe seat area and send a clear message to Government that people actually live out here and we are sick of being forgotten about, ignored and disrespected.”
The campaign itself is expected to include letterbox drops, but it will also be run on social media, allowing Bingham to target a key demographic online – an initiative that at least partly contributed to his success during the local government elections.
Either way it is heard, Bingham’s message to voters is clear.
“I need your support. Help me help you. Support me and I will make it my mission to serve you to the best of my abilities, with longer office opening hours and a phone that is answered 24/7.
“Help me send the message to politicians – watch out, the snake catcher is coming.”