COVID medications available

Boxes containing Molnupiravir, MSD's coronavirus disease (COVID-19) treatment pill are seen at Misericordia hospital, in Grosseto, Italy. February 8, 2022. REUTERS/Jennifer Lorenzini
Do you know that there are now medications you can take to reduce the symptoms of COVID if taken early?
Antiviral medications treat COVID-19 and are proven to save lives and reduce the risk of needing hospitalisation when taken early.
Only people most likely to need hospital care can get COVID-19 medicines. This includes people who are aged 70 and over, are aged 50 and over with certain health conditions (or 30 if they’re Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander), or have a weakened immune system, disability or are born with heart disease.
GPs can prescribe antivirals and help eligible people plan to access them if they test positive for COVID-19. This can help you get the medication within five days of becoming sick when it will be most effective.
To get COVID-19 medicine, get tested as soon as you notice symptoms of COVID-19, report your positive RAT result online or call the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398, find out if you can get COVID-19 medicine by calling the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080, and see a GP to talk about COVID-19 medicine.
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