Creativity celebrated

“I love drawing things that catch your eye” - Jaxon, 12, received a Moorabool Youth Art Award (Photo - Supplied)
By Matt Romania
In a vibrant celebration of youthful creativity, the Bacchus Marsh Public Hall transformed into a pop-up art gallery on Friday, June 16, 2023. The event marked the grand showcase of the Youth Art Competition, which gathered young artists aged between 12 and 25 from across the Moorabool Shire.
The Youth Art Awards attracted entries across a diverse range of mediums, underscoring the artistic spirit among Moorabool’s youth. Jaxon Giofches, 12-year-old artist from Gordon, was among the talented young individuals awarded.
“I was really shocked and excited to win the award, it has inspired me to enter more competitions with my artwork,” Jaxon told The Moorabool News.
The competition’s judging criteria focused on the impact and storytelling of the artwork, composition and technical skills, design and style, and the use of light, colour, and shading.
The vibrant and diverse collection of art pieces presented a spectacle on the awards night. However, the honor of having artwork displayed at the Lerderderg Library in Bacchus Marsh was reserved for the winners.
The works were showcased from Saturday, June 17 to Saturday, June 24, providing a week-long opportunity for the broader community to appreciate the impressive artistic talent brewing in Moorabool’s youth.
And the winners are:
Indeya Phillips
Olivia Baumann
Jai Pilbeam
Lily Norman
Madison Borg
Kelly Joyner
Jaxon Giofches
Connor Hughes
Laura McIntyre