Crime prevention group coming to Moorabool area

March 22, 2025 BY
Moorabool Neighbourhood Watch

Watching crime: Neighbourhood Watch official Nicholl Peschek speaks at last week's meeting. Photo: SUPPLIED

A NEIGHBOURHOOD Watch group will be set up to cover Bacchus Marsh, Maddingley and Darley.

About 25 people attended a meeting at the Bacchus Marsh RSL last week at which it was decided that a group should be formed.

Moorabool Shire councillor Sheila Freeman, who has been instrumental in the move, will be the shire’s representative on the group.

Cr Freeman said a resident who attended the meeting had volunteered to set up social media accounts for the project, and the first step now will be to appoint a president, secretary and treasurer.

She said several of those who attended had expressed interest in being involved.

“We thought it was quite good, actually,” Cr Freeman said of the meeting turnout.

Neighbourhood Watch official Nicholl Peschek addressed the meeting, while Department of Justice and Bacchus Marsh RSL representatives were also present.

Local police were not able to attend.

Cr Freeman said she knew Bacchus Marsh had a Neighbourhood Watch program in the past, and she had been involved with a group in Williamstown in the 1980s.

“Neighbourhood Watch reduces crime by 26 per cent,” she said. “Once we can get some office bearers – it’s not going to be onerous – then we will start spreading the word about how to keep your home safe.”

Cr Freeman said the shire was backing the project, and local police had mentioned the idea to her late last year.

She said she knew of three local police officers who are interested in being involved.

Cr Freeman is a retired bail justice and a current Justice of the Peace. She is looking forward to the group getting started because crime is reportedly slowly increasing in the area. “We need to make people more aware; get to know your neighbours,” she said.

Anyone interested in being involved with the group can register on the Neighbourhood Watch website at .