Cyberbullying help available

February 8, 2022 BY

This week Parentline, a service of yourtown is celebrating Safer Internet Day with the launch of yourtown’s new podcast: Parenting in Cyberspace.
“With 1 in 5 young people experiencing cyberbullying and other negative online pressures, research shows that the need to support parents increase their knowledge about online safety continues to be vitally important. This podcast series has been produced through funding provided by the Queensland Government in response to the recommendations of the Premier’s cyberbullying taskforce,” said yourtown Chief Executive Officer Tracy Adams.
“We know that children and young people really want to be able to go to their caregivers about cyberbullying and their online wellbeing and safety, but they’re afraid of the reaction they may receive in doing so. We want to encourage parents or carers to feel confident talking to their child about cyberbullying. We wanted to give them a resource that helps break down some of those common communication barriers and help to empower and support their children. This new podcast offers great support to deal with issues children might bring to parents or carers,” continued Ms Adams.
“The Parenting in Cyberspace podcast series provides a range of resources and information to benefit parents or carers. Guests on the podcast series include recording artist Vanessa Amorosi, Kids Helpline counsellors, along with young people with lived experience of mental ill-health and recovery. Parentline is a confidential telephone service providing professional counselling and support. Counsellors provide support 7 days a week between 8.00am to 10.00pm” continued Ms Adams.
New data released by Kids Helpline reports 3,871 contacts from children and young people about bullying in 2021 with 1,164 of those specifically related to cyberbullying. Additionally, 3,991 young people contacted Kids Helpline about a cyber or online safety issue.
Go to – Parentline 1300 31 300

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