Deputy principal farewells Grammar after 25 years

End of an era: Retiring executive deputy principal Kevin Richardson was employed by Bacchus Marsh Grammar in 1999. Photos: SUPPLIED
BACCHUS Marsh Grammar’s executive deputy principal Kevin Richardson will retire at the end of this school year.
Principal Andrew Neal said Mr Richardson has been a vital contributor to the school’s growth and success over a quarter of a century.
“He has always provided tireless support and dedication,” Mr Neal said.
“Kevin joined Bacchus Marsh Grammar in 1999 as an experienced mathematics and technology teacher. He quickly advanced to the role of Head of Year and was appointed deputy principal in 2000.
“Since then, he has been a fixture of the school’s life, working closely with staff, parents, and students to ensure they receive the best education and support possible.
“Throughout his tenure, Kevin has provided unwavering support during challenging times and celebrated moments of success. His contributions have been invaluable, and his presence will be greatly missed.”

Mr Richardson said it is with mixed emotions that he enters retirement.
“I am hoping that I will still be associated with Bacchus Marsh Grammar in many supportive roles,” he said.
“Retirement marks a significant milestone in a person’s life, representing the transition from work to a more leisurely approach to life.
“I have enjoyed my time at Bacchus Marsh Grammar and being an integral part of the school as it has developed into the educational institution it now is.
“While I have enjoyed my journey, working alongside Andrew, Liz and Greg, being part of the senior management team for more than 20 years and assisting with the development and growth of Bacchus Marsh Grammar, I am happy to be handing over the reins of leadership.
“I am looking forward to the freedom to set one’s own schedule, travel, or simply relax without the pressures of deadlines or job responsibilities. Looking back, there has been many achievements to be proud of but looking ahead, the future includes many other prospects that I look forward to.”
Mr Neal said his colleague’s departure is a sad occasion for the whole school community, but staff are keen for him to remain involved as a life member.
“On behalf of everyone, heartfelt congratulations are extended to Kevin on an honourable career, along with the deepest gratitude for his dedication to Bacchus Marsh Grammar,” Mr Neal said.