Don’t wait to act

February 3, 2022 BY

More than half of all Victorians living in areas at high risk of bushfire believe they will definitely get an official warning if threatened by a bushfire, a CFA survey has revealed.
CFA’s Bushfire Community Survey, undertaken annually since 2009-10, also showed more than a third (36%) expected they would be told when to leave if threatened by a bushfire, meaning many Victorians could be leaving it too late to act.
CFA Chief Officer Jason Heffernan said while emergency services are well prepared and Victoria has an effective integrated warning system, including the VicEmergency app and emergency broadcasters, there may be some circumstances when Victorians may not get a warning.
“Fires can spread within minutes. On hot, dry and windy days fires can start quickly and threaten lives and homes. You need to be prepared and paying attention to the weather conditions ahead of time. The community needs to know their triggers and use their senses such as sight and smell as well as their common sense to enact their fire plan,” Chief Officer Heffernan said.
“Grassfires are prevalent this season and can move at speeds of up to 25km per hour and jump highways.”

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