Draft budget released

Feedback sought: Moorabool Shire Council has released a proposed budget for the coming financial year, and wants to hear from residents. Photo: LACHLAN ELLIS
MOORABOOL Shire Council has released its draft budget for the 2024/2025 financial year, and is accepting feedback until next week.
The Proposed 2024/25 Annual Budget is up for residents to review and provide feedback on until 5pm on Thursday 30 May.
The $76 million budget includes just over $2 million for parks and open spaces, and almost $46.5 million in total for council’s Capital Improvement Program.
Major projects included in the 2024/25 Capital Program include reconstruction of Yendon No. 2 Road in Yendon ($2.45 million), a bridge replacement at Woolpack Road in Bacchus Marsh ($1.5 million), resheeting and resealing of Ballan-Meredith Road in Ballan ($1.099 million), and the Ballan Library and Community Hub ($0.975 million).
Moorabool Shire Mayor, Cr Ally Munari, encouraged residents to read over the proposed budget and have their say.
“As is the case across all levels of local, state, and federal governments, this is a difficult budget due to the current pressures across the board, but we think we have struck a good balance between upgrading infrastructure and spending on key projects and services that are necessary for our large population growth, and being fiscally responsible,” Cr Munari said.
“The proposed rate increase has been capped at 2.75 per cent, in line with the Victorian Government’s Fair Go Rates System, and there are some reductions in waste charges.
“We will continue to advocate strongly to other levels of government to attract funds for new projects we want to achieve for our residents,” Cr Munari said.
To view the Proposed 2024/25 Annual Budget and have your say, visit moorabool.engagementhub.com.au.