Economy and tourism on Council’s agenda

November 17, 2021 BY

As Victoria opens back up again, Council’s Economic Development team is focusing on revitalising Moorabool’s economy and tourism.

Two new strategies are in the works – the Economic Development Strategy and Visitor Economy Strategy – and consultation with the community and local businesses will help shape the strategies.

Council has appointed consultants from Urban Enterprise to help ensure the engagement process is sound.

Moorabool Shire Mayor Cr Tom Sullivan said much had changed since Council last implemented an Economic Development Strategy.

“The last Economic Development Strategy was adopted in 2015,” Cr Sullivan said.

“The Shire and the world have changed a lot since then and it’s time for a fresh approach, setting a strong foundation for a thriving local economy. And after a decade without a tourism plan, it’s time to hold our own and celebrate our Shire’s unique and breathtaking attributes.”

One way Council is engaging with the community is through the Business & Community Survey, which is available online until 30 November.

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in the 16 November 2021 edition
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