End of the road

Providence residents now have a bus shelter across the road from their aged care village. Photo – Lachlan Ellis
By Lachlan Ellis
A campaign to get a crossing and bus shelter in Maddingley has concluded, with the long-awaited project completed recently.
Residents of Providence Aged Care have called for a bus stop and shelter, and a pedestrian crossing to cross Griffith Street, for years.
The need for these culminated in a petition back in September 2019 which was signed by over 380 locals, and saw Providence residents head to Moorabool Shire Council’s Ballan office on 4 September, to attend the meeting where the petition would be received.
Residents have long argued that crossing the busy road, which is used by school traffic from nearby Bacchus Marsh College and trucks going to the nearby Industrial Estate, is incredibly dangerous, especially for elderly people.
In a Letter to the Editor published in the 4 July 2023 edition of the Moorabool News, petition organiser and Providence resident Sylvia Merry thanked Council for getting the bus stop completed, but asked for an update on the pedestrian crossing.
“Roses to Council for finally getting the bus stop and shelter installed on Griffith Street opposite Providence Village. This is now widely used by the community. Except, how are the elderly to cross the road without the pedestrian refuge, that was also earmarked for installation,” Ms Merry wrote.
“Come on Council, finish the job.”
And last week, Council was happy to report that the job has indeed been finished.
“Council’s scope of works for Griffith Street is completed. Pedestrian crossing points and new bus stop was provided and comply with PTV standards,” Council’s spokesperson told the Moorabool News.
The new crossing and bus stop have arrived at a time where there is particular government focus on the Maddingley area, with a bus route extended to Stonehill Estate, and $25 million invested to upgrade an intersection near Providence, over the last 12 months.